Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. SC IA Farmer

    SC iowa BUST! Theft, trespass & shed poaching…

    Talking to locals - if they agreed to all the charges right there, they got off on one charge (& a charge that’s a bit harder to pin in court). More folks are matching some pieces of puzzle up & likely not the last folks will hear of these guys if I had to guess. They LOVE attention so they...
  2. SC IA Farmer

    SC iowa BUST! Theft, trespass & shed poaching…

    Article sums it up nicely & was posted yesterday elsewhere. This happened about 10 miles from me & know the farm they got busted on. This area has been plagued with issues & folks kept coming back too many times.. this time, caught in the act!! BUSTED!! There’s a pile of other guys in...
  3. SC IA Farmer

    Real Estate Companies/Realtors Leasing Land

    I like how you left names and companies out of this. I have a feeling that's a better approach and more appropriate. Very good. In general, my feelings are reasonably simple. The companies have a right to do this, if they are not breaking the laws, so-be-it. But, I will suspect it ends up...
  4. SC IA Farmer

    Late "Anterless" Season Opinions, ROUND 2!

    I'm more of a lurker, reading all of this. I did finally understand the 2nd above post as I've watched them all. Only a few guys have had to get personal and they stand out. I have a deep gut feeling, maybe I'm wrong because I don't personally know any of these guys- the above is rooted in...
  5. SC IA Farmer

    Late "Anterless" Season Opinions, ROUND 2!

    Let's face it, most who have distracted in this discussion most likely know they've been dominated in public debate. Guys- those standing with FB and the "who cares and what business it of yours if i choose to blast a shed buck" - you have been completely destroyed if anyone really wants to...
  6. SC IA Farmer

    Late "Anterless" Season Opinions, ROUND 2!

    Hey Jerk, You are the example of a reason why good folks & knowledgeable folks quit posting. Just because you have your own personal things going on, don't mean you need to take them out here and purposely be a Tard. Go simmer down if you are not capable of a grown up debate Or those that dont...
  7. SC IA Farmer

    this sorta annoys me

    For me, my opinion on why I don't like the guys: They are corney, cheesy, self important guys who think more of themselves than I can believe & just want to be hunting celebrities. I can't stand Terry's crafty words, all the over-emotion and how they just think the hunting world is them. Like...
  8. SC IA Farmer

    The Gov and Drury's together ??

    Wonder if he shot any does? He thinks they need to be slayed and wonder why he shot a buck with the population reductions we need according to him? Whatever you think of them, there's a reason they had him out.... Keep governor tags rolling, keep in good graces, etc. Buddy system in politics...
  9. SC IA Farmer

    Drury's sit down with IADNR

    These guys, I just can't take more than 60 seconds of listening to them. I get this feeling like nails on a chalkboard enduring anything with these guys or any of their videos. Why I choose not to buy any of their videos. Way too self-important and deer nerds for me. The last time I watched...
  10. SC IA Farmer

    Mike Kerr- Mt. Pleasant, IA- watch out

    Yep, this is him (like I said before, 99% sure since there is a mask & I have close up photos).... http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37412 There's another round of pics from other farms all over SE IA, I'm sure many have seen them. ravaging dozens of farms for miles in much of SE...
  11. SC IA Farmer

    Hf 327 & sf219

    Yep, do everything for the $, those casinos, lottery and gambling are a real blessing to communities and towns!!! Yeah right, destroy things. Just like changing laws to accomodate your needs will have a drastic negative impact on how we manage this state now. The same management that caused...
  12. SC IA Farmer

    Hf 327 & sf219

    I see some major similarities and comparisons between this and the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION DEBATE - just similarities..... All these folks come here, illegally (not saying NR's are illegal), set up shop illegally, should not be here, are ruining lots of things from hospitals to schools to filling...
  13. SC IA Farmer

    To catch a thief...

    More to come on this!
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