Cover is Most Important
Last year I planted Dbltree's mix and had more deer using my plot than ever before. They kept it mowed down and the exclusion cages showed the results. This year I have a better stand of the same mix and it's not being hit at all. What's the difference...Cover. For...
This picture gives an idea of how close the fire got to the barn. It was basically this close on all sides of the house and barn.
We have actually seen several deer and turkeys remaining. Even though they stick out like a sore thumb and have nothing to eat.
I live in Sand Springs, but my in law's land that burned is in the Mannford area. The fire jumped a big part of Keystone lake that we thought gave them some security from fire to the west. You live and learn!
The drought has been severe this year in Oklahoma, but the wild fires this weekend were devastating. Here is a pic of the fire starting on my in laws 100 acres that we hunt on.
Here one of us is working to save the house and barn. Pic taken from back patio.
After praying and...
right on
I signed earlier in the week at It's very scary that things like this can change our lives when politicians use back door and cowardly tactics! Too bad the media doesn't expose this for the scandal it truely is. :(
Got .25" at my place yesterday, our first measurable rain in a month. High today is 110 and going to be 107 Saturday and Sunday with up to 105 all next week. Sometimes I don't know why I choose to live in Oklahoma.
Went out and pulled the cards from my cameras yesterday morning. I was hoping to get a few pics of fawns, but not like this!:mad:
Not only did this coyote show me his trophy, he left it right in front of my camera as if to rub it in my face for days.
Here's one with a young buck...
Rye and clover going strong this Spring
Spring has already arrived in Oklahoma. Rye/Oats/Clover plots are green and getting hit hard.
Can't see it in the picture but there are some winter peas in the enclosure that made it thru our mild winter.
I'm going to expand a plot for next year since the deer ate my rye mix to the dirt. I want to get something going in this new plot this spring to begin improving the soil. I think I remember reading in one of your threads that you prefer oats and some kind of annual clover for new...
Rye Mix works well in OK too
:way:I have seen more deer this year than ever before, since planting dbltree's rye mix. The deer are hitting it hard day and night.
This buck knows where the does are, getting tons of bucks cruising and stopping for a bite.
Just think, all this...
I'm thinking it's time for me to plant my first fruit bearing trees. My land in Oklahoma is mostly oak and hickory with red cedars mixed in. Since it's my first go I'm trying to find the tree that gives me the highest chance of success. I'm leaning towards starting with 4 dolgo crabapples, or...
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