Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Lucky 13

    Making farm more attractive during archery season

    I agree. Acorns and neighboring Corn peaking while the soybean are dropping leaves and clover plots are on the decline
  2. Lucky 13

    Making farm more attractive during archery season

    Here is a good article from meateater https://www.themeateater.com/wired-to-hunt/whitetail-scouting/best-food-sources-to-deer-hunt-in-october IMO- brassicas and soybeans don't draw much for early archery. The corn and oats I planted this year got absolutely smashed this year from Early Oct to...
  3. Lucky 13


    Madcatter That tree in the first two pics looks great. About how old is it? Thanks
  4. Lucky 13

    American Chestnut - Viable?

    looks like unfertilized nuts. Not viable IMO
  5. Lucky 13


    My experience is a couple weeks till you see much of an effect then another 2 weeks to finally kill grass to the ground. Slow but effective.
  6. Lucky 13

    What's next for Republicans?

    I would agree. Unfortunately politics stopped being about policy differences a long time ago. Now it is about feelings and persona.
  7. Lucky 13

    Everything is changing, But do we know it yet?

    I agree! I think the correction has already begun In addition to $4 corn and $11 beans, add persistent inflation that could very soon meet and exceed land appreciation. Also add that net opperating expenses still increased 7% last year in spite of fuel and fert prices declining. Too many...
  8. Lucky 13

    Everything is changing, But do we know it yet?

    oh I agree the long trend line will always be up, but to say there is NO CHANCE of any correction in the next 5 years is pretty bold talk from those guys. reminds we of what they said in 2000 about the tech sector or 2008 about housing Many of these younger guys have no real recollection of...
  9. Lucky 13

    Everything is changing, But do we know it yet?

    I made a very similar statement to the OP on a different site yesterday and nearly EVERY person who responded said there is only growth and blue sky as far as they eye can see. Only increasing land prices for at least the next 5 years they said.............and that was the very moment I became...
  10. Lucky 13

    What's next for Republicans?

    gotta disagree 100% dump NATO-just a money drain we don't need- when NATO countries start paying maybe we can dump Ukraine-another money drain for nothing "republican and very conservative" don't donate to dem organizations like ActBlue
  11. Lucky 13

    Great podcast to listen to! Steve Hansen on the Land Podcast

    not totally disagreeing but letting unelected "biologists make biological decision" without significant oversight by elected representatives is not good either, IMO. We all like to think the DNR biologists are noble and above politics, waste, abuse, mismanagement, etc. But they are also humans...
  12. Lucky 13

    Beans and corn together

    I start with a disc'd field that I have spray with roundup a time or two. Then broadcast, the a light disc. If I have the time I may drag it with a harrow to smooth it out a little. It works surprisingly well if you can get a little help with rain
  13. Lucky 13

    Game feeders

    I have had Banks Outdoor feeder for a couple years. Holds up good, easy to install, never had racoons get in it. I https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H8RA52G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  14. Lucky 13

    Starting a 75 acre tree planting looking for Ideas 2024

    Sounds like an amazing project for the family.
  15. Lucky 13


    I dig them up with a rootball. Early spring or Fall is probably best for me but like Snail said they are very Hardy. Doing them bare root would probably make the job a lot easier but I haven't tried that. Here is a pic of what I dig up
  16. Lucky 13


    I have transplanted hundreds of cedars over about every season. At least a 95% success. I have purchased bare root cedars and had very poor results. Transplanting is the way to go IMO. I transplant when they are between 1-2' tall. They are a little stunted for the first year after...
  17. Lucky 13

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Hey cottonwood Here is what I mean. The biggest problem facing wildlife in many midwestern states in a loss of habitat. Look at any aerial photography from any county in Iowa for the last 30 years and you will typically see a huge degredation of habitat. Every year an Army of excavators and...
  18. Lucky 13

    Looking for ideas on tree tubes…

    I use the 58" plantra. I buy direct from plantra. They are not cheap but I have had good luck with them. In areas where I suspect the bucks will want to rub on them, i put a wire cage around them also.
  19. Lucky 13

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Meh, there are a million anecdotal bad scenarios why not to do something. Hunt clubs, amish, tree huggers, peta freaks, bad hunters, disease, etc. At the end of the day a guy either has to make a decision to go for it or just keep sitting on the sidelines wishing and hoping and then making...
  20. Lucky 13

    Land prices / insane!!!

    IMO- if you can buy now you SHOULD. Beg, borrow, leverage. Whatever it takes. Just don't be silly with too much risk. Understand the investment and not just the price. Most likely there is NO correction coming that will have a large enough impact to make a deal great. Yep, interest rates...
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