Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. TheBig8


    Looks great, do you mind sharing how you terminate the crimson and plant the brassicas? Do you innoculate the crimson before planting?
  2. TheBig8


    Has anyone ever tried Stinger on brassicas? I've got some Canada thistle rosettes in amongst my brassicas I've thought about spot spraying.
  3. TheBig8


    Lots of them again this year but only appears to be 1/4 of what we had last year. I have quite a few plots surrounded by switchgrass and the first 20' in from all sides of the switchgrass was demolished by grasshoppers. From beans to brassicas, didn't matter.
  4. TheBig8

    Tell me why we should shoot more does

    The glory days of WI deer hunting were when the Earn-A-Buck regulations were in place, you had to shoot a doe to get your buck tag.
  5. TheBig8

    Tell me why we should shoot more does

    The deer he killed in 2022 on his farm was a lot bigger than 140's I'm pretty sure? 160s maybe
  6. TheBig8


    The areas I notice deer bedding in the RC switch are the same as my CIR switch. Edges and diversity. Ultimately for me, there are very few beds, if any, in a straight switchgrass monoculture.
  7. TheBig8


    I thought sunburst was supposed to be a shorter, upland variety 3-5'?
  8. TheBig8

    Video review- Titan Blinds

    Other than the new color is there much difference between the 2023 and 2024 versions? I have a line on getting some of the 2023 versions for pretty dang cheap on closeout and want to make sure the guys who used them last year were satisfied. They look good on the lot and I do like the hinge...
  9. TheBig8


    Miscanthus will be an option we are still weighing and might be directly in front of the blind. The rest of the unused area (non-plot) will be switchgrass. I should have spelled that out a little better. Those areas will be ~3 acres and too much for miscanthus.
  10. TheBig8


    We recently purchased a property and removed some ground from CRP for an area to create destination food. Alongside this destination food, we want to border it with switchgrass to screen our access. This field is on a pretty decent east facing hillside. I would say moderate to likely erosion...
  11. TheBig8


    That is definitely not switchgrass.
  12. TheBig8


    Clopyralid (thistle down, Stinger, sonora) will target thistles. Otherwise 2,4-D and dicamba (weedmaster) will kill them and other broadleafs. Spot spraying will be best no matter which chemical used. Might be better off to chop them down with a weed whip or shovel and treat them next year...
  13. TheBig8


    Wait until it is at least a foot tall and mow once. From mid July to mid August switch will grow faster than about anything else. Adjust your plans accordingly. Biggest concern at this point is that you drilled and there aren't any visible lines, your weed control wasn't good enough. Good news...
  14. TheBig8


    Do you guys want your grass stands to be that clean so they stand tall for screening? Around here in SE MN deer rarely utilize clean stands of switch for anything but security cover. Best to have some diversity if you want deer to spend time in there, IMO.
  15. TheBig8

    Stinger/Clopyralid in CP-2 planting

    Fwiw, Keystone Pest says damage to forbs may be possible, especially legumes. Guy I bought seed from says label rates should he safe for most forbs but could injure them. Guy from the county says it'll kill all the forbs. Responses are all over the map.
  16. TheBig8

    Stinger/Clopyralid in CP-2 planting

    I have a third year tall grass prairie that is NOT in the CRP program. I purchased the mix and planted it without govt intervention. It looks beautiful and there is an exceptional amount of deer sign. I'm looking to control some Canada thistle and bull thistle with my boom sprayer. I have...
  17. TheBig8


    2 weeks? Looks like closer to 4-6 weeks of growth. T_max, I broadcast RC Big Rock last March and cultipacked on moist soil and sprayed atrazine. Turned out great for a first year stand in most areas ~4' of growth. That's with a D4 drought in SW WI. I overseeded some thin areas but switch...
  18. TheBig8

    Water hole question!

    All my tanks are buried and I plant a perennial clover/fescue mix around them so that I can keep it mowed. I don't think deer want a bunch of cover around when they drink, they feel pretty vulnerable (I believe).
  19. TheBig8

    Everything Soybeans

    Skip do you have different beans in that planter? Are you just running different maturity dates or experimenting with the things you talk about in the video? On a side note, I've read where several people state that deer don't browse on the leaves of enlist beans as often as they do other...
  20. TheBig8

    Quinclorac or duracore on miscathus

    I've had even second and third year switch turn a purple color from quinclorac but it still kept growing and eventually hit normal heights. Definitely not something I would try on first year switch but I'm also a chicken about this stuff.
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