Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. letemgrow

    Wow Just Wow....... Land Prices

    What's the inputs per acre now? High yield prices are not always a boon for the farmer since the price for all the other moving parts aren't steady.
  2. letemgrow

    What's next for Republicans?

    If R's win the house, they better get some $hit done since they'll have it all.
  3. letemgrow

    Giant ragweed

    If I had 5 acres tilled, I'd leave half giant ragweed/weeds and mow the other half for the clover. Deer flat mow down giant ragweed wherever it pops up at my farm.
  4. letemgrow

    Buckeyes worth it?

    Hummingbirds are fond of them. They're blooming as the hummingbirds are arriving back from their migration. I'd put them low on the list of overall value tho, but they are valuable enough to keep a few for diversity.
  5. letemgrow

    Low movement of bucks? And apple trees

    10-16 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. letemgrow

    Low movement of bucks? And apple trees

    Arkansas black is a good apple tree for November. You’ll need a couple other types of apples to pollinate tho since it’s a triploid so it won’t pollinate anything but can receive pollen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. letemgrow

    Low movement of bucks? And apple trees

    2 miles from the IA line, and getting a good amount of daytime photos.
  8. letemgrow

    Bryson’s first out of state hunt.. 2024 Illinois

    Congrats!!! Tank of a body on that thing.
  9. letemgrow

    Apple/Pear Trees

    I have and they're doing okay...bouncing back from some herbicide over spray. I'd recommend the joint. I've done a few different orders and they were great seedlings received each time.
  10. letemgrow

    Apple/Pear Trees

    30-06 crab from Northern Whitetail Crab is holding its first fruits still. Another that holds later on this site is Arkansas black. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. letemgrow

    Regs Dialogue with MDC Director

    "What in the He$$ is age structure?" (said by the majority of MO residents)
  12. letemgrow

    Regs Dialogue with MDC Director

    I kept 5 for myself last fall…didn’t fill a single permit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. letemgrow

    Regs Dialogue with MDC Director

    It's a 12 buck rule with the 10 CWD tags. You have to use those tags like regular tags: hunt whatever season is open weapon wise. You can shoot all 10 during an open rifle season if you want, or shoot them with archery during archery season etc.
  14. letemgrow

    Regs Dialogue with MDC Director

    Hopefully your area doesn't take it to the 9's. We're shooting mature bucks consistently still and most people in the area don't loose their minds with the extra tags.
  15. letemgrow

    Regs Dialogue with MDC Director

    I put those tags to good use. They're slapped on older bucks people continue to pass. We've had those tags in my county for several years now.
  16. letemgrow

    American Chestnut - Viable?

    Can you get scions off that original tree?
  17. letemgrow

    American Chestnut - Viable?

    Those don't look viable.
  18. letemgrow

    Common here.

    These are the bucks that make it to 6+ with ease in my area. He went 127 I think it was. Definitely under 130 I do remember that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. letemgrow


    Put up a few purple martin houses at my grandma's place this summer. They moved in pretty quick and seem to be doing a number on insects around her house/garden.
  20. letemgrow

    Common here.

    Just throwing out real world examples of what's running around now. You decide what the data says to you :) I've wondered if the giant bucks from yesteryear, that haven't had modern bucks to match them, weren't a product of super low deer densities where they had unlimited top quality...
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