If you have a RUP license, how would you tweak the mix? (for one, I like to use Gramoxone/Paraquat instead of Roundup....much safer for the tree....just not necessarily for the applicator!)
weed/grass herbicide mix
Skip, so you mix Plateau + Atrazine + Dual + Prowl and spray around bases of trees.....and this keeps things pretty clean for the entire season?
I'd suggest looking in the field for signs of browsing....or not. Even a camera set on field scan would give you a good idea of usage. If they're avoiding the field, then mowing might be best option. But they also may be using it just fine...and you don't need to do anything besides get...
Agreed....you could go either way. Leave it alone.... or else just mow it high to stimulate new growth. Are you seeing deer avoiding this field due to rye being too mature?
Curious what your per-acre seed mix was? Just doesn't look like much radishes and peas growing in there.
Should be fine, but if it were me I'd do a germ test on it next summer just to be sure. If % of germination isn't high enough for you, then you can increase seeding rate, buy new seed, or whatever.
Curious what "cocktail" you use for keeping grass-free / weed-free around your trees? Am looking for a combo that lasts all season. I know Paul was big on Simazine/Prowl, but that hasn't worked real well for us.
I think Scott is right, about hardiness. Other big thing with care of peaches -- is not to prune them in the dead of winter like can be done for apples and pears. I picked this up from several commercial peach growers -- don't touch them with pruners until sub-20s temps are done for the winter.
I think you'll be fine. As long as it dried completely before the rain, you're good. And no way it wouldn't have fully dried in that amount of time. How many oz per acre did you use?
I think it depends on what kind of equipment you have access to, and how much $$$ and time you want to spend. If you go the bean route, they will most likely get hammered into nothing if it's only 3-ac. But at same time it is a great way to convert the field out of hay and give deer something...
A few weeks back you posted on a Mafia thread about the skid steer w/ forestry head you had. I'd really like to find someplace nearby to rent or even possibly buy a setup like that for my farm. I got acres and acres of thick overgrown cedar thicket that are doing me zero good as is. Gotta...
Don't know where in SE Iowa you're at, but the Amish saw shop in Drakesville has all kinds of chain, sprockets, etc. I'd go talk to them or someplace similar.
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