Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. V

    Thermal scopes

    Pulsar makes a few different models. Biggest thing for me was wanting range finder. Some guys I know will buy cheaper scope and get hand held with range finder. I do have a hand held as well, but no range finder in it. But it’s easier to scan with hand held until spot something.
  2. V

    Thermal scopes

    I recommend a good scope if shooting at anything past 100yds. Anything under $2500 is just going to show a blob. I prefer to know what I’m shooting at. Last thing I want to do is shoot someone’s cat or dog. I have a pulsar that was about $5000. At 400yds I can’t decipher cat from coon. But it’s...
  3. V

    What's next for Republicans?

    I’ve never been so sick to my stomach over an election. My gut tells me Kamala is going to win. Which then tells me my beliefs are in the minority. I believe it’s the beginning of the end of the United States of America.
  4. V

    Buckeyes worth it?

    Buckeyes have zero value in my opinion.
  5. V


    I know for a fact that they will not adjust quota based on Ehd deaths. Our last major outbreak in Warren County removed over 50% of our deer herd. I went to the Dnr meetings and heard all the bullshit. Season had not opened but they refused to reduce quota that fall. They said no reduction could...
  6. V

    Bike hunters ??

    Insights Hunting The Vision Backpack
  7. V

    Is it possible

    I think it is totally possible. I saw one this weekend that was pretty young.
  8. V

    Turkey Poult concerns slightly relieved….

    Just saw first poults today in Warren county. Had to be less than 2 weeks old.
  9. V

    Bird population in your area

    What county are you in. Warren county sucks
  10. V

    Gideon Lee Walker

  11. V

    Land prices / insane!!!

    I curious to see who bought this. Just down the road.
  12. V

    Frost seeding

    Anytime now
  13. V

    Land prices / insane!!!

    I think a lot of people that are paying stupid money for land are going to have buyers remorse. Deer population being in the shitter in a lot of places, will have a lot of new buyers questioning their decision.
  14. V

    Thermal scope

    Thermal cannot see through vegetation. Pulsar is one of best. All brands have low end and high end options. With that said, some cheaper brands will not show target clearly. It will just be a blob. I like to be positive of what I’m shooting in the dark.
  15. V

    2023 Deer Harvest Report numbers

    Milo locker has taken in more deer than last year already. Which is crazy based off the deer numbers I’ve seen this year.
  16. V

    Thermal scope

    Range finder is a must. Impossible to guess distances in the dark.
  17. V

    Human Urine

    Many times every sit. I’ve watched them react many different ways. Same way I’ve watched deer react to store bought scents. Some like it,some don’t give 2 shits, and some get nervous.
  18. V

    Rut Action/Movement Reports

    3yr old had long tines and poking the shit out of 4yr olds face.
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