Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. B


    turips This is the first year but yes I won't put it in turnips next year. I will say the deer are hammering the tops. Usually they don't touch them till after a frost. I thought it could be a nitrogen problem but just never happened to me before with turnips.
  2. B


    turips We had 4.5" of rain between those dates of the pics. There are turnips in there the size of baseballs already. Wouldn't think it was a fertilizer problem but it could be. They are in soils that don't drain well. It has 250# of Triple 13 an acre on it. Nothing was planted before it...
  3. B


    Turnips are dying Any ideas on why my turips are dying only thing I can think of is to much rain. They were awesome looking at the beginning of August and now they pretty much all turned.
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