One last question. I am hinge cutting tall, spindley 9",close trees. I do not see how they will not hang up on their neighbors. In order to keep their top growth, would it be better to leave them hung at the tops and count on hard winds, or force them over with the dozer?
Doser vs hinge cutting
My dozer is a heck of a lot stronger than my knees after 5 operations, so I ask: If i push over a 10-20" tree with the dozer, will the top yeild any browse the next year? I am also concerned about lack of bedding areas on my place. Can I make both by using the dozer?
I am preparing to release some nice white and red oak as well as cherry on my farm with hack and squirt. You guys don't seem to use it as much as girdleing and hing cutting. Any reason? I will be using Arsenal and Roundup.. full strengh.
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