Search results

  1. walley250

    Its hard out here for a pimp!

    . Why dont u guys use facebook if you just want to have a convo between yourselves, or call eachother on the phone.
  2. walley250

    southern iowa giant

    Why is it so hard to understand why this deer would move off of this property. HE GOT SHOT. Why would he stick around? Deer can wind you or see you walk to and from stand and never be seen again. Also,these supposed facts you have seem nothing more than circumstatial at BEST. These...
  3. walley250

    Auto companies bailout

    The big three executives got to washington yesterday each in a private jet. Give me a break. When Lee Iakoka asked for money in the 80s for Chrysler, he aggreed to 1 dollar a year salary. Where is the ceo integrity that he had. You will never fix the problem untill you renegotiate the uaw...
  4. walley250

    Waiting for the flood gates to open

    Office Space anyone. Thats how i feel right now.
  5. walley250

    Blinds and Bucks?

    I think deer notice very subtle changes made to the blind each time. If you plan on shooting out of one praticular window, I would keep that window open even when your not in it. I had a doe blowing at me one night and I am sure it is because I had a window open that she was not use to seeing...
  6. walley250

    What time in the morning?

    Dont forget about the time change. Last year I was pretty sure the sun was not coming up that day. That was a long cold morning.
  7. walley250

    If only the Democrats would............

    To answer your question Beau How about the fact that she has been an executive of a city and a state. Anybody can cast a vote (well except for Barack who voted present 180 times in the state senate instead for yes or no for somthing. That way he would not have to take reasoposiblility for any...
  8. walley250

    If only the Democrats would............

    Avid, Im sorry bud but you dont make any sense. You said in a society where there are few at the top with money and many others struggling to get their piece of the American dream, how can you support the most unfair of all taxes, a flat tax. A flat tax will certainly put the highest burden on...
  9. walley250

    Sarah Palin!

    When people ask what their govt can do for them I get nervous. I would rather the govt get out of the way and allow me to do the best I can to take care of myself.
  10. walley250

    Sarah Palin!

    I like it. I think as long as Mcain keeps his conservative agenda going, it will be a tough ticket to beat.
  11. walley250

    Cross Bow Suggestions

    My dad and a guy I work with both shoot Barnett. They are affordable and from what Ive seen so far dependable and accurate.
  12. walley250

    UFC 87

    Yeh the night was awsome. Even the undercard bouts were great. I know you guys werent impressed with lesnars cockyness, but that crowd was so electric Im sure he was caught up in the moment. He was not a big favor to win that fight and he completly dominated. I dont know if herring got one...
  13. walley250

    Pheasants hard to find this year

    If this spring is any indication on future number I would have to say they will be up in my area. (NW Iowa) I have never seen so many birds as I did this spring. I was quite suprised because I thought this winter would really have taken a toll on alot of birds, but perhaps it keeped the...
  14. walley250

    UFC 87

    I like your picks bowhunter except i think MacDonald will win over Maia
  15. walley250

    UFC 87

    I dont think herring will dominate because of the way he lost his ufc debut. He could not stuff the take downs of O'brien, and obrien is not a big player in the ufc. I think herring is more well rounded but most will not be able to deal with the strengh of lesnar. (Unless you can spin for a...
  16. walley250

    UFC 87

    Any other fans out there. Im predicting wins from GSP, Florian, and hopefully Lesnar. Since its in the twin cities, Ill be there live to watch the fights. Im getting pretty excited.
  17. walley250

    thermacell mosquito repellent

    Just wondering if these things work. The bugs are going to be extra bad this year with all rain we have been getting. It would be nice to use a product that didnt stick as bad as off.
  18. walley250

    More Antlerless tags

    Where did you find info on the extra doe tags. I couldnt find any current info on the DNR webpage for the 2008 season.
  19. walley250

    In Need Of Everyone's Input

    you know what could be handy are those rod holders made for canoes and jon boats. I have a couple on my 14ft boat. They clamp on to the rim of the boat and dont weigh much. so it would be worth adding to the already heavy pack.