Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    SRJ 6 ?? Remove IWILL

    I swear to god we can’t have anything nice related to natural resources in this state without our lawmakers trying to mess it up……
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    Farm Help

    Sorry, that would be valid info. Ringgold County Area
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    Farm Help

    Looking for opinions on where to search for a farm hand in south central Iowa area. Have had full time worker in past, but may consider a couple part time positions? It would be mostly habitat type work as the row crop and hay ground is leased out. Someone that is handy with equipment( tractors...
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    Pickup hoist

    You’ve never had problems with The deer sliding off the side of the single board?
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    South Central Iowa Consulting Forester

    Anyone have a positive experience or know someone that has had a positive experience with a good consulting forester in south central Iowa? Looking at some larger scale timber projects and would appreciate some feedback if anyone has had a good experience working with one. I know it’s kind of a...
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    Finding a Renter

    It’s a good idea and we have already converted quite a bit of the gRound into various CRP programs. These fields are the better ground we have left in row crops to keep a some food around.
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    Finding a Renter

    Would anyone have advice on the best way to find a farmer willing to cash rent crop ground and hay ground on their property? It isn’t the best farmland based on CSR and field size, but I feel the amount we are asking compensates for that. Our old tenant doesn’t want to do it anymore due to the...
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    Big One Down-Poached

    I think most of us would be in the same boat in that we are all very frustrated with those that take part in these terrible activities. Relying on law enforcement is minimal at best. They do their best, but are stretched entirely too thin. Sheriff departments seemingly have a “who cares...
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    Missing Post

    Wondering if you all can help me out. A few weeks ago I thought I remembered seeing a post of an individual that had recovered a large buck this spring they had shot during last years archery season. If I remember correctly, they had the hunt on film(possibly the Trophy Pursuit team???) and...
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    teenage poachers...."thrill killers"

    a little more background on the case from an individual that was involved. The kids had admitted to doing this numerous times in the past and have a "deer count" well into the hundreds. They just happened to get caught this time. As an earlier poster mentioned, this is one small case and it...
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    Clover in Field Pea Plots

    Was wondering if it would be possible/benneficial to add some type of clover to my pea plantings this year. I am going to be planting some early for plowdown value, and then some later in the summer for pod production. I will include oats with both, but was thinking about adding some clovers...
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    Drilling Native and Switch grasses

    Does anyone know what advantages there are to using a no till drill (I have access to a Great Plains Drill) to plant native grasses. I understand the concept of frost seeding the grass, just not sure when and how I would use the drill and if it is any better. I was thinking I could mow and...
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    food plots in CRP?

    On a similar subject, is there a list of approved food plot plants? Reading through double's posts has me interested in planting some different mixes that include brassicas and clovers rather than the usuall corn, beans, and sorghum. I cant even get those to last until fall, the deer pick them...
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    Stoping Poachers

    It seems this time of year brings about an increase in the number of people driving around rural gravel roads at dusk/dawn periods and late at night looking to poach deer and other game animals. My question is: What do you guys do to help deter these morons from doing so? I realize planting a...
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    Packer fan for life but...

    From a man who sat in a press conference crying saying " I've given it everything I got, and I have nothing left to give" that turns around and CHOOSES to play for your old teams biggest rival is classless and he deserves to be booed. I'm a huge Packer fan and beleive no one is above the team...
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    Native Warm Season Grass

    TomT or Double, How did you manage to get rid of all the little trees on that piece you prepared for the native grasses. I have some similar areas of older CRP that are brome and filled with smaller trees like that. I hate to brush hog them, as that leaves little "tire gougers" everywhere from...
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    About to PUKE

    This is a very important issue and like anything you can complain and do nothing and let the chips fall where they may ( and the chips are gonna fall in a bad place if no one voices opposition) or do something and try to change the outcome. Public opinion does matter to our lawmakers and they...
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    Congressman's Reply

    "Thank you for contacting me about gun control issues. I'm honored to represent you in Congress. Your opinion is very important to me and my priority is to provide Iowa 's Second District with the best representation possible. There are many new policy options currently under debate in respect...
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    Deer Study Updated 1/3

    Re: Deer Study Update 12/30 If the deer are a publicly owned resource by the citizens and state of Iowa, why doesnt the govt. pay me for damages when "their deer" hits my vehicle. I would like to ask the powers that be why I have to pay $12 to shoot a deer in a county where the numbers are...
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