Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. sep0667

    Harvest Numbers

    I really feel like Group #1 is growing. I think in 2024 Group #1 has really gained some traction. Just watching some things on facebook you can see by the likes and posts that more people are starting to care, or are atleast speaking up. I find it very exciting for the future and do believe we...
  2. sep0667

    Cell cam options

    I probably get 6 months worth out of the batteries in my tactacams, give or take.
  3. sep0667


    I dont plan to ever send anything in for testing as things are now. CWD has been around for atleast decades and as far as I know it has not affected humans, people have been consuming wildgame that entire time. I'll I've seen done about it is the state agencies just want to kill off as many deer...
  4. sep0667

    Who is shed hunting?!

    Definitely he first I've every got a pic of a shed buck already, one side atleast. It is nearly January though, another few weeks and I'll likely have a few picked up.
  5. sep0667

    Shotgun hunting observation

    yep. ive sat there and start to add everything up while in the stand. Sticks, stand, lifeline, bowhanger, pack, boots, base layers, outlayers, gloves, waist mit, neck gator, stocking cap, harness, binos, range finder, release, broadheads, arrows, sight, arrow rest, quiver, grunt call, rattle...
  6. sep0667

    December rutting activity.

    Ive had a couple of different days this month where my cams were on fire. Lot of activity with different bucks moving around. It made me wonder if a doe was in estrus or was just a random day for whatever reason. Most days my cams this month have been pretty dead though.
  7. sep0667

    2024 - Yellowstone (not the park), Mountain Runs, Kitty Cats, and Bucks (and Bucks).

    You are and have lived the life many only dream of. You're never afraid to take an opportunity and run with it!
  8. sep0667

    Young studs !

    This guys been around and quite regular. Guessing he is 2 y/o and has 12 scoreable points.
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  11. sep0667

    Deer #’s down statewide???

    Same county as you. Last fall i was getting lots of pics daily and seeing good #'s while hunting. Come the end of december I noticed a downtick in pics. Went to shed hunt last winter and found 7-8 dead along the creek and wasnt specifically looking for them. Then this year cameras slow and...
  12. sep0667

    Deer #’s down statewide???

    I hunt 3 different properties, 4 if you count the urban city park I hunt. 2 are in central IA. One property is pretty dang slow. It used to be loaded when I started hunting. Its only about 10 acres, I should say the section/area use to be loaded. Urban sprawl has no doubt impacted it, but its...
  13. sep0667

    Bucks like this - what buck would fight him?!?

    Excuse my language, but that thing is one mean looking s.o.b. Cover up his antlers, that thing literally looks like a mean nasty steer.
  14. sep0667

    Deer meat milo locker

    weird, i just looked this up on their facebook page. Idk, just dont see these new owners, that arn't even from here, doing very well with this. Hope I'm wrong, but something tells me this is the beginning of the end of the milo locker, atleast as we know it.
  15. sep0667

    Late Season question

    I watched that last night too. He also had the idea of having an empty paint can with rocks in it on a long string and then pulling on the string to make noise to spook deer off, I thought that was pretty neat. I've seen before where he mentioned the idea of using a remote control car too. Set...
  16. sep0667

    What do you think?

    Saw the deer in person yesterday at close range. Its a buck.
  17. sep0667

    What do you think?

    I think I have an antlered doe. The neck and head just say doe to me. Looks like mature doe head to me, not a young buck.
  18. sep0667

    Hunting permission.

    Ive had my farm three years now. Ive been asked one time by a neighbor about coyote hunting, I told him after deer season that was okay. Shortly after I bought it another neighbor stopped by when I was by the gate. Introduced himself etc. I imagine he was going ask, but he realized quick I...
  19. sep0667

    Diseased Buck Help!

    100%. I believe in 2023 the DNR had a couple employees at a Mid Iowa Archers shoot with a little table set up about CWD, the zones in IA, and them wanting to collect samples from a few areas. I chatted with them and gave my view points on it and how as hunter why would I want to have a deer...
  20. sep0667

    Free to good home

    Anyone tried the RAISED knocks?
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