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10 Tips for Hunting Cold Temps


Life Member
The following article came from Bowhunting World

10 steps for beating deer season's cold temps

by Joe Byers

Cold-weather hunting is cool—if you stay warm. Follow these tips to be toasty when the north wind blows.

It’s more than knowing what to wear, it’s knowing when and how to wear it. Dressing to remain warm and scent-free is a process. So is choosing a late-season stand location. Follow these steps for success:


1. Avoid generating perspiration on the way to a stand. Carry clothes, boots, and gear in a duffle bag. Don’t put them on until you’re close to your stand, but still outside deer travel areas.

2. Use antiperspirant on feet and body.

3. Dress in layers, beginning with a wicking foundation next to the skin. Be sure the foundation garment has a slick surface to promote freedom of movement.

4. The middle layer should insulate, break the wind, and contain your scent. The best fibers trap dead air.

5. Pac boots must be completely dry to work well. Remove liners and dry thoroughly after each use.

6. Your clothing’s outer layer should be soft and ultra-quiet. Waterproofing may not be necessary in cold weather.

7. A warm hat is a must. Air-activated warming packets work.

8. Seek stands in warmer depressions and hollows out of the wind. Deer prefer these places, too.

9. Establish a late-season sanctuary. Hang a stand, but don’t hunt until late season.

10. Finally, shorten your bow’ draw length, use an arm guard, and practice in full hunting gear. Lubricate your rest and moving parts with Pam or corn oil for silent operation.
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