Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

100% apples to apples, which one


Well-Known Member
Would you choose.
Never heard of this being discussed before in print or media.

Just crossed my mind today.
Let's say there was a 640 acre block of superb cover and it was being sold I quarters and you could buy only one. Which one and why. Remember, apples to apples.
Why 83?

And yeah, I should have added in my original post to explain your reasoning.
If that's a mile section and all 4 160s look identical I'm taking the SE.

Cold fronts are associated with northley winds. Cold fronts = best hunting days. Prevailing wind are westerly. Late season most days out of north. For all those reasons I'm taking the SE, which is really only one reason..... WIND

This is for my area. Prevailing winds could be completely different somewhere else and answer would change.
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SE one for sure.
I’d ask for legal fine print on acceptance of this deal here…. Has to be a statute of limitations to this offer - when that expired- I’d buy the other 3 parcels. ;)

Reason- barometric pressure rising & lowering temps usually come with n to west winds. Se is clearly better for entrance, exits AND getting deer to be on feet. I have spots where mature bucks daylight but they are south wind spots- for sure harder to hunt those. ****probably can manipulate or find set ups for any wind on any 4 of those sections. Think my last choice would be NW & still make it work though.
That One great answer.
Dig a bit deeper and think of any other reasons.

A food for though kinda thing for anyone thinking of buying land to hunt.
Damn Skip.... lol.
Prevailing wind. Normal is west to east. Thus, access would be key thought for me. If the NW and SW have eastern access, ok.

If access from any side, seems like a draw to me. It would all depend on the 640’s adjacent.

That said, I LOVE hunting weather fronts, which can present some tricky winds.

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Wind is HUGE... ours here is predominantly some sort of west.
I knew you fellas so far would pick the S.E. quarter.

1 more HUGE FACTOR here I deal with in Nw Mn. And one more very common denominator never heard discussed.
Dig deep guys. I know someone will come up with what I'm thinking.
Hint..., one factor.., few on this forum will have to deal with it.
Can I take my 160 right square in the middle and have an easement? LOL

I saw a piece of Illinois hunting ground that is coming up for auction, three parcels that will be sold sequentially and the final bidder can't add them together, each parcel goes to the highest bidder. I think they are trying to maximize sale price. The kicker was that it was access by boat only. I'll pass.

It will be interesting to hear your one factor. Don't think you have wolves. You talk about winter kill, but apples to apples, that should be the same. Drifting snow on the north and west edges? Hmmm....
BAMMMM!, You Nailed it bronc!!
I did not figger anyone would have guessed that.
To the west of my woods, there is about 2 miles of wide open ag fields.
During a big snow event and high winds, the edge of my woods can pile up snow big time. 2 years ago, it was about 15' deep.
One more factor is bright/ warm sun in the evenings.
Even with the ag fields in alfalfa, beans,sugarbeets, if it's warm and sunny, the deer here don't go out of cover much (west facing).
Good job on that guess.
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