Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

1031 exchange


I am looking for some ground to buy in that 160 to 200 acre range. I have till the end of the year to identify properties so if anybody has a friend, cousin, aunt, uncle, sister, brother etc that may be intrested in selling send me a PM
Obviously you have your dates correct and time-lines I assume? I think the last time I did it I had 45 days AFTER CLOSING to identify a replacement property. Obviously you're on top of this OR you have attorney counsel. Good luck, I hope you find a dandy of a piece! (you can buy mine - www.thedeerhunt.com BUT it's no where near SW IA! :) )
swbuckhuntr-What counties, and what type of mix are your looking for?
anywhere from clarke to taylor and everything inbetween. I hunt taylor mostly that would be ideal with my family being in that county but I can always make a short drive. Mixture it would be nice to have a good timber farm with some tillable it doesnt matter if it is in crp or row crop.
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