Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

120 acre lease in SW Iowa

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Livng4Jesus, lovng2hunt
Looking for 1 person to join me and my best friend on a 120 acre lease in SW Iowa 40 minutes south of Council Bluffs. The two properties are about 60/40 timber to crops. I am pretty sure the farmer will leave at least an acre of standing beans to hunt over as a plot on each farm.
Both farms are surrounded by big Timber too so there is plenty of holding power on these.
The cost will be $700 for you to come in on the lease.

Just a note, this is a 3 person lease. I am not interested in someone coming in on the lease and bringing a buddy to hunt with them on this property. This will be for you and you alone, unless you have a son or daughter that will hunt with you.

Thanks for looking guys and gals.
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How do you handle hunting days? Is there a "draft" to pick certain days on each farm?

I'm not near you or interested in the lease but am curious to know how you'll work this out.
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