Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

190" Buck

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Well-Known Member

Remember Hannah Harris? This is her little sister, who I'm friends with. Must run in the family! Congrats to her 190+" Buck :)
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26 4/8" spread, 19 point Buck scored 198 1/8th offical score as a non-typical. Scored offically by B&C, it's in the Penn. records if you don't believe me.


Her sisters Buck:

EDIT: Yeah, I know it said 188 on the mag cover but...

Field and Stream Quote:
"The rack netted 210 3/8 nontypical, 181 typical"


But really...they're just two huge Deer. Don't tell me that they're not that score, tell the people that scored it that.
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I believe ya TH, I added up a guestemation on a sheet of paper and came up with 189, but that was just guessing, cant see all of the points though.
still in this picture it doesn't appear to have much tine length, great deer but i still don't see 190 in this pic
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The bibe is friends with all the ladys! The 188 looks a lot bigger but I am not one to say because many people say there is no way mine was a 190
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