Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2 more bucks


PMA Member
This spot seems to be pretty good for buck action. Out of 2 roles of film i have 6 bucks and 1 doe. I think i'll put a stand in this area!


The bigger buck in the second picture looks like a shooter for sure. Does he have no brows, or are they just spread way apart?
they are just spread way apart. There is a bigger 8pt out there that i have been trying to get a picture of, but hopefully he will just show up under my stand!
Very nice Blaster! If you are seeing these guys in Slater, I hope they run about 8 miles Northeast for the rut!
That may be a stretch....
Actually Cyclone Hunter. I about hit one bigger then this on Hwy 210 Just outside of Slater last week. I have no idea were he came from. He must be living in Huxley!
Actually Doublerack, he was 1mi west of Hwy69 on 210. No timber for miles. A buddy of mine see this same buck last weekend, so he's hanging out there someware?
Strange....I know the place you are talking about. I guess he must be running the bike trail? I think that is about the only cover anywhere close.
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