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2" NAP quickspins?


New Member
Just wondering if any of you guys have had problems getting them to fletch on tight. I can get em done just fine but is there a certain jig that might work better or a certain glue? Right now we use the Jo-Jan jig and Easton quick bond glue. Any suggestions or comments welcome. Thanks again for iowawhitetails' great people
I use a bitz with 2" blazers and have no issues, cant go full offset because vane will not catch all the way.

I use left helical with as much offset as I can squeeze out of it
Do your left helical work fine? NAP's website said do only straight or right, thats why i was wonderin about those two, but if left works well also then maybe its another possibility. Thanks guys.....
I would think you would need to go right helical or straight. Left helical would eliminate their little rubber wings purpose.
I would think you would need to go right helical or straight. Left helical would eliminate their little rubber wings purpose.

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That is a good point, I forgot about those fancy wing flaps at the back of quickspins, Left Helical wont work. Thanks for catching me on that!
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