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2004 regulations???


Life Member
Let me first say that I think the number of nonresident buck tags is right on currently. I was wondering if anyone has heard if the legislaters/DNR/insurance companys are planning on trying to increase NR tags again next year....i know they tried unsuccesfully last year.

Also, why is there resistance towards allowing NR's to shoot a doe as well as a buck when drawn. Moreover, why (when i dont get drawn next year) cant i go down and shoot a baldy without losing my preferance.

just some thoughts going through my head as i start to go through whitetail withdrawl and realize i wont be bowhunting in iowa or kansas next year.

Thanks in advance for any insight!!
You can hunt next year for a doe without losing preference points. It will cost you though.Its around $150.00 for the tag. I go for a doe every year that I don't draw a buck tag. I will pay the fee to hunt with my friends. I always see some outstanding deer and have a good time. As long as I have my bow in hand I am happy. I would love to see the archery and gun tags go to 50/50.
DOR email me if you want to apply for the doe tag I will try to talk you through it. mlau@aol.com My friends think I am an idiot for paying that much but it beats hunting these little stinkers around here.
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