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2005 Iowa Deer Classic Info


Man, hardly seems like it has been a year already! I just wanted to fill everyone in on some of the new events and attractions this coming weekend.

March 4-6 Iowa Deer Classic
New Hy-Vee Hall and Vets Auditorium lower level.

Main attraction: Iowawhitetail and the IBA are putting together one of the most amazing booths in the classic's history. Larry Zach Wildlife Studio, QDMA, and the Mid Iowa Archers will all have booths there too!

New this year: in the basement of vets auditorium, the Iowa Deer CLassic is proud to announce the Classic 300 vegas shoot. $1000.00 cash prize for first place in the pro division, trophies for all other classes. Cost is only $50.00 for pros, and $20.00 for all other classes. This includes a limited edition Iowa Deer Classic T-Shirt. Also new this year is the BowHunter Challenge 3D pop-up tournament. 10 targets that will pop-up and move, that's right move! Cost is only $10.00 per ten arrows.

2005 IBA Spring Banquet at the Sheraton Inn in WDM(Formely the Holiday Inn). This years guest speaker is Chuck Adams.

Hope to see you at all the events and dont forget to bring your bow!
Chad on the Vegas round do you also have to pay for admission to the classic just to shoot? I keep hearing that it is a $20 entry fee and then your $10 to get in to the classic this making the shoot really $30. Do you have any info?
It is my understanding that you can get in for free! I dont think they want you dragging your bow cases throught the classic! I'll find out for sure! Your still going to help run the shoot right???
I have to work this weekend, sorry. I'm going to try and shoot during the morning right when I get off that way I can get some sleep before I gotta work that night.

Admission to the Exhibit Hall, trophy displays, kids acivity center and seminars is not included with the $20 archery tournament entry fee. Admission to the Archery Area is free to shooters and spectators and the $20 entry include a souvenir T-shirt.
Thanks for clearing that up for me! I can't access the web sight so I can register to shoot. I guess work doesn't like that kinda thing.
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