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2009 Spring Turk Contest - RULZ


Well-Known Member
Rules for this years turkey contest are going to be pretty straight forward.


2. You are allowed to enter ONE bird for your final score and that bird can be of any sub species from any state so long as it's legally taken.

2a. You MUST be a PMA or LIFE member on Iowawhitetail to participate.

3. You are allowed to upgrade your bird as many times as legally possible.

4. Score your bird according to the National Wild Turkey Federation scoring system and PM me the results. I will not hunt down through the harvest posts to find your score, if you do not PM the final score to me you will not be entered in the contest.

5. All legal means of turkey killing are eligible and there will be even scoring whether you use gun or bow.

6. I am not going to play big brother and make you post pictures of all the specific measurements, I will trust that you're all honest enough to not fudge your data. I would, however, request that you at least post a harvest picture of your kill for all to enjoy in the Harvest Form.

7. I reserve the right to make additions to the rules because I always forget something.

8. Again, you must PM the score of your bird to me, complete with all the measurements to be eligible for the contest. I WILL NOT hunt through the forums for scores.

9. When the contest is over, it is OVER. If you screw the pooch and do not PM the score to me I will not accept it the day after I end the contest. At this point I plan on ending the contest June 1.

10. Again, contest is over on JUNE 1, 2009.

11. THA4 is a homo. This rule is non negotiable.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gersdorf</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I agree with #11.</div></div>

Haha. Looks to be another fun contest!
One final newb question. Is the team's score derived from the single best bird between the two team members or the best scoring bird of EACH team member added together for a score?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Iowabowtech</div><div class="ubbcode-body">One final newb question. Is the team's score derived from the single best bird between the two team members or the best scoring bird of EACH team member added together for a score? </div></div>

Best bird from each member added together.

dont judge me..... that will only bring you strife.... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif

Rule # 12

Blaster and THA4 Win

The End

Rule #13: there is no rule #13. I just felt like making another one of my prophetic and senseless posts. But Thomas, I think teeroy will let you borrow the pillow he bites.

The ‘Bonker
damnit bonker, you are really going to make it hard for me to drag you to victory.

i may just donate my bird to a better team
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