Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2nd Card Pull


A Few Steps Ahead Of You
I got back to my camera this past weekend.
I had 900 pix in 12 days!!!! i was jacked!!!!

but..... then i found out that two to three families of does were visiting on a regular basis, i only ended up with 4 buck pix..... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

but the good thing is i only had a few blank shots, so almost all of the pix were of deer! so that much im excited about!

this is the second appearance of this guy, now after seeing him again in the daylight, i think he may not be as big as i originally thought....

First Pix

any guesses on score??



I am thinkin around 130-135. Is that close to your number?
I got a clean 8 with similar shape on the wall at 132.
that was my initial guess when i first saw him, but in the other post i got a few 140's and a few other friends think even higher. but now that i have these pix, i think 130 is a safe bet..... he is young, but under circumstances where i could guarantee his saftey and my ability to hunt him next year, i might pass him. However, im starting afresh again this year and a buck like this might be in danger. he is on the line for me. id like bigger, as most would.... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

like i said, he is on the line and i will have to make the decision with him in hard horn at 15 yards broadside. but at this point, im leaning to giving him the pass. Cool buck tho and i would love to see him next year!

thanks for the input, there are plenty of big deer on this place, this is just one buck. but since he is the only one showing his mug to my camera, im getting a little jumpy

im pretty sure a goat like you really doesnt have a clue.....
be a shooter for you for sure tho huh? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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