Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

2o8 inches

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I dont like to give alot of info .just that he scored 208 in 24 in wide 27 in main beams 17 scorable points killed in van burne county and i know the guy real real well that killed lol
That sucks you didnt find him. Did they give you a dif tag or did you have to use your bow tag?
That rack looks "aged" and if was from this morning as a skull plate, where's the blood?

hate to be that guy (again), but this smells fishy.:confused:
I should of read it first LOL. I just clicked on the link and the buck popped up and I thought dang, another EHD victim since it looked to have a little velvet in spots and a really white rack.

I then read the rest. That is cool he shot him. Any story to him? Congrats!
It sure looks like its been dead awhile, with the bits of velvet, dried up hide and bleached white antlers, like a game farm buck. You sure about that story Hillbilly?
Ok, someone isn't telling the truth. I got an email from a buddy that lives right down the road from the game farm that this buck was found dead on, EHD kill. I think your buddy who shot this is telling you lies.
I dont like to give alot of info .just that he scored 208 in 24 in wide 27 in main beams 17 scorable points killed in van burne county and i know the guy real real well that killed lol

Not sure why you felt the need to post this here? I'm sure your "sponsors" would be proud.

If it's a joke then come clean, but we had this same thing last year with someone trying to look cool. Busch league if you ask me.
Ok, someone isn't telling the truth. I got an email from a buddy that lives right down the road from the game farm that this buck was found dead on, EHD kill. I think your buddy who shot this is telling you lies.

I'm gonna go make some popcorn. BRB!
Not getting the "lol" thing after how well you know him. The rack does not look like it came from a new kill, and there must have been a whole lot of coyotes to eat his intire body;). Giant antlers though.
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