Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

3 nice bucks


New Member
That is pretty cool putting the pictures together like that. He has definately put on some inches!! Great post!
To me it seems very clear that it is the same buck in the 2008 and 2009 photos, but not as sure that it is the same one in the 2010 photo. I am just curious what makes you think it is the same one all three years?

You definitely have some nice ones to choose from though this year!
He was injured somehow in the spring of 2009, he was limping for awhile. His right antler grew weird in 09 (No tine length), Like bloodhoundhandler said the left antler is the giveaway. I wondered if the right side would always grow odd like in 09 , but since he was healthy it grew in very nice this year. I found his left shed this spring and it scored 61". must be close to 66", this year. So maybe close to 155" total this year?
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