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300+ hours in the stand


Well-Known Member
I have been putting in my time this year and it has paid off with a doe and a nice buck. However, still putting time in for my landowner tag and doe tag. I've been reading about how everyone has not been seeing a lot of activity lately. I realized this too. Have seen 1 mature buck on his feet in daylight so far in November. This week the action really died down too. I am certain this is due to the full moon so keep hunting hard guys. Next week should be a great one. Good luck to everyone.
It's been an incredible month and continues to get better, the Full Rutting Moon is later than usual. I caught this buck with 8 does today, cutting and herding them like cattle. Not sure I agree with your assessment of the moon and daylight activity but that's ok.


Also, caught these Bobcats yesterday, pretty crazy day. I was set up for a buck coming in on two does and the does blew, they were up wind and looking back toward road and timber, they ran and 4 bobcats came out and crossed.


Anyway, clear, calm and cold morning, can't get much better on November 18, 2013

It's been an incredible month and continues to get better, the Full Rutting Moon is later than usual. I caught this buck with 8 does today, cutting and herding them like cattle. Not sure I agree with your assessment of the moon and daylight activity but that's ok.


Also, caught these Bobcats yesterday, pretty crazy day. I was set up for a buck coming in on two does and the does blew, they were up wind and looking back toward road and timber, they ran and 4 bobcats came out and crossed.


Anyway, clear, calm and cold morning, can't get much better on November 18, 2013


I'm fairly new to hunting deer and this was just what I have observed. As the moon has began the full phase. The deer activity has increased at night and I have seen less deer in the daylight. However I have had good action the last two mornings.
I have been putting in my time this year and it has paid off with a doe and a nice buck. However, still putting time in for my landowner tag and doe tag. I've been reading about how everyone has not been seeing a lot of activity lately. I realized this too. Have seen 1 mature buck on his feet in daylight so far in November. This week the action really died down too. I am certain this is due to the full moon so keep hunting hard guys. Next week should be a great one. Good luck to everyone.

300+ hours?!!! How are you not burnt the heck out? That's 6+ hours per day, every day since October 1st! More power to ya man......I would be spent.
Seen two shooters this morning. One came in alone the other was following a doe and fawn. Wind was swirling and got busted by both of them. Fml!
300+ hours?!!! How are you not burnt the heck out? That's 6+ hours per day, every day since October 1st! More power to ya man......I would be spent.

I have hunted 44 out of the 49 days so far. I am about spent getting harder and harder to get out of bed and walking to the stands. However as long as I see one deer a night I continue to go in hopes of getting a chance. You can't shoot them if you're not hunting as many people have said. I also just enjoy being out, nice to be away from everything.
No kidding, that is crazy! I am up to 80 hours, have seen 3 shooters on their feet nothing closer than 100yds.
Planning on putting in close to another 75 hours in during the next ten days.. hoping to finish before the 500 hour mark
The Full Moon has been ruining it for me. All or at least most of the breeding is happening at night. I have a local Co who is a friend and he has been getting reports of people seeing big ones at night out in the fields. He said some body saw a 200 class deeer near where I hunt. I think he said it was with a doe. I'm thinking by the time this full moon disappears.. The does will all or mostly be bread.. It probably explains why I am seeing a lot of does with no bucks with or bucks in pursuit..

This has been the worst years in terms of favorable hunting weather that I can recall.

It's either been rainy, windy or blowing from the wrong direction..
This is how I imagine you hunting when you're bragging about so many hours in the stand. Good luck with you goal of 500 hours. I suggest you find some timber to hunt.

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