Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

3rd pedicel

Thinkin Rut

PMA Member
I wish I could have froze the shot for a year.

That is really unique and you have a trail cam pic to boot!!!

Great Job!
Oddities in racks like that are probably once and a lifetime things. I really doubt I could and let him go under really any circumstances. Great buck with awesome character!!
Congrats! Pretty cool and I bet he got to spread his genes around a little. Who knows what the future holds!
Congrats on the buck, that is a definite rare one there.

Not to be too persnickety, but in the harvest picture it looks like you have your gun pointing towards you. Be careful, remember safety first.
Thanks for the positive responses. He definitly could have cooked another year or two. It was one of those situations where I didn't have any time to ponder next year. I was sitting in a deadfall behind a tree in a low area when I seen 2 forkhorns coming along the edge single file, I kept looking for a larger buck to follow but none did. I then looked on the other side of the tree to see what the forkhorns were doing and he was looking at me. I seen it was him and pulled up and shot. Can't say I regret it but he would have been alot nicer next year. I didn't think he was big enough for a full mount but did have his skull done.
Thats funny Daver. That was the first thing I thought of when I seen the picture. I watched the buck fall and never reloaded. It must have slid down while taking pics. Now, if my kids would have came home with that pic they would have got their as#@# chewed!
Cool. A friend took a freak buck off of our place this year. One-horn forkie with only 1 pedicle. Never seen that before. Certainly don't want that thing spreading those genes
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