Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

4 future booners

Nice pic! Wonder if it's really quads or is there another doe nearby that wasn't in the pic??

How do ya know they are all male fawns?
They all are male fawns on drought years like this. That is what you were telling us it was going to be, then you said it was still going to dry up in July. Oh wait it's raining again never mind.
FUNNY! The way the spring began it looked like a dry Summer. What changed in May Is two things I always look for. The constant Ridge West and Trough east switched around. Troughs started developing over the Rockies. This draws moisture up to Iowa. Also the usual heat dome has had a hard time taking over Iowa. It usually pushes active jet streams way north into Minn. The battle ground of airmasses has stuck right over Iowa and MO. Also the Gulf of Mexico moisture has not been cut off at all. Which also happens some summers. These factors combined mean LOTS A MOISTURE! A big change in the Pattern since Winter!:)
Thats OK ,I am not a meteorologist. I just like finding the patterns. If they get stuck,,you get more and more of the same. Highs and Lows can shift and weather changes. Recently though they seem to get stuck for longer periods. Scientists and their computers supposedly can see the shifts a long ways out. That is what forecasting is all about.Some times they are right on long range. Most of the time,,,Not.:D
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