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4th Season TK2000 Gobbler


Life Member

4th Season TK2000 Gobbler

My son Avidhunter came down on May 8th for our annual four day 4th season turkey hunt. Since Avid arrived around noon we ate some lunch and headed out to do some glassing from the pick up in hopes of seeing a spot and stalk opportunity. We didn’t have long to wait.

We spotted two toms working their way up a slope to a long ridge. We were certain that we could get around to the other side and perhaps call them into us. We pulled the truck around the section, got out of the truck and worked our way to the ridge top that we were certain the birds would come along. We waited, and waited, and nothing. Did they go another direction, were they just over the top of the ridge out of sight? We decided we had to move a little further to the top the ridge in hopes of seeing our intended prey.

We crossed a fence in not such a quiet manner and set up on the ridge top in some brush and begin calling. Instantly a tom appeared in the open pasture at 150 yards distance and gobbled back at us. He then turned our way and started coming to our soft calls fairly rapidly. However, he suddenly didn’t like something he saw or heard, so he made a left turn and headed East, away from us.

Avid baled down a gully that ran in the direction the gobbler was traveling in an effort to rapidly close the distance to intercept the tom. I remained back an continued calling to try and slow the bird from moving to fast before Avid could get down to him. Unfortunately for Avid there was another tom down there that we didn’t see. The turkeys made Avid and they both headed back West. But, suddenly one of the toms decided to head straight North……………guess who was sitting North still calling.

The Knight TK2000 dropped this gobbler in his tracks at a distance of 40 yards. I looked at my wristwatch; it was 4:00 p.m.

The bird weighed 25.00 pounds, he had 1 inch hooks bilaterally, and a 10 ¾ inch beard. NWTF score 66.50. A nice mature tom, I was of course very pleased.





I want to thank Corey Gersdorf for the beautiful slate call he made for me. Without this fine custom call I may not have harvested this great bird.

Way to make your boy your bird dog! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Congrats on a fine black-powder gobbler /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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