Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



PMA Member
Well guys i found this on the second day of the first shotgun season and havent quite figured it out yet. It appears to be a very large and active scrape but im not sure, its abiut the size of a full-size blazer. The small tree in the top right corner with the smow at the base has three braches that are all chewed up, and every square inch of dirt is either deer tracks or paw marks. All the ground around it was pretty much froze and this was all mud and unfroze. Could this be one very large and very actice scrape or where someone had put down some mineral lick or what?
If that was a scrape you should of been able to smell it a mile away as big is that is. Looks like a good spot for your trail cam next Monday after the gunners are done.
I'd guess a mineral was layed down there at some point. I've seen where deer have dug into the ground for lost salt on old cattle licks.
Years ago my grandfather found a place like that in some winter wheat that had about 3 inches of snow on it, and upon further investigation found blood and hair, two bucks had a brawl in the wheat. Could that be what you have here?
I found one similar to that on the 2nd day as well, just not as big. It was on a ridgeline run of scrapes and was the only one opened. The rest were frozen and covered with frost but this one was all tore up. Hard to say why yours was so big though???? Maggs
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