Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Well to sum it up its been a long 8 years of public land hunting with no tags filled. I could of shot many 140-155inchers but never could kill the big ones I had seen. I had my chances over the years but luck was never on my side.

Saturday the 27th was the last day I could hunt this year and I never did see a big one this year while hunting. Muzzhunter and I decided to head down southern iowa to a public area I had shed hunted 3 years ago but never hunted. I had a few gps spots marked and figured what the heck, I have them marked for a reason. I dropped him off at one and I went to another. He was .74 miles back from the road and I was 1.34 miles.

At daylight I had a 130ish 8pointer walk by that is gonna be a stud someday and I never once thought of shooting him. Right after that I seen a big half rack that probably would of been around 160 if he had both sides. Throughout the day I seen a dozen or so does with no more buck sightings. I was going to get down at 11am and at 10:45 I seen this buck making scrapes heading my way. At first I didn't think of shooting him but while watching him I got a text that said quit passing them up and shoot one. Its been almost a decade. I thought about that a second and kind of chuckled and thought well they would all crap if I shot a 6pt.

I made up my mind I was shooting. Instantly the ole adrenaline fired up as he kept getting closer and closer but he didn't quite make my shooting lane and turned and started heading towards me. He got to 20 yards and went behind a large tree. I drew back and when he exited I stopped him and smoked him. He went about 50 yards, stopped and flipped over. I know he isn't huge but dang it felt good to shoot one!!

That evening we sat in the tree I was going to hunt that evening and I got to watch Muzzhunter miss a 40 yard shot at a nice 140s 10pt. I think there was too much pressure with me in the tree with him. It was an adventure. Thanks for helping me drag him out Clayton!! :way:

All I had was my cell phone for pictures so they aren't the best but they will do.

Mike, that's one cool looking buck! You have worked hard for that buck. He's unique and looks like he's got a big body too?

Congrats buddy
Congrat's again Mike, it was definately fun, would of been the perfect day if I'd of connected on that buck, but im glad you ended your dry spell.
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