Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

7/3 Pull


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, here are a few new pictures. Seems OAK and Big Bohi didn't show up. But, I have another Buck that I've been watching.

I got 2,021 pictures in 3 days :D Usaly 60 of them are OAK and about 200 of them are Big Bohi, weird they didn't show up. I'm sure they'll be back next week.








It's weird how much white some of the Bucks around have on them. Anyone have a piebald/albino running around? Doe or Buck.
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Some good looking deer there. It weird how one week you get one deer and then the next hes gone for a month. Ill tell you what tho, when they show back up its sweet. and it never hurts to get a new buck now and again also.
Holy bases on the third buck from the top. Another thing to consider is that unless your area is easy and undetectable to get to the more you go in the area the more scent you leave and the greater the possibility of pushing deer into another safe area.
They will be back soon. One older buck I have been watching, only shows up to a clover/ mineral camera every 6-8 days since mid-may.
Can I give you one bit of advice. Try to wait 2 weeks or longer in between checking your cameras. The long your spots go with out human activity the better. This is a lesson I learned about 4 years ago. Trust me you can push deer away.
I run about 5 cameras. It all depends on how many pictures you take per trigger. In one week last year on 5 cameras i had over 11,000. And all the corn there will make deer stand there for hours.
Jesse, I have to go out everytime it rains...otherwise the corn will spoil. I saw him today, he was on the other property north of ours (the only place with trees other than ours for 3 miles).
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