Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

A Buck's Sixth Sense?


Good grief, any Field and Stream subscribers out there? Did you read this article?

*Discusses a HECS suit - a garnet designed to to insulate a human's electromagnetic field. Talks about phenomena where humans can sense when people are staring at them.
*Author discusses how he will shift his eyes from deer-to-deer and never looks at one specific animal for more than one or two seconds.

What is next - a portable, electronic scent elimination kit :) ?
Yes, I read that article. I found it an interesting read that had some new info to look at, but I kind of blew it off as a marketing piece for new products that may/may not do anygood without further testing. I know I'm not dropping that kind of change on a suit that is going to cover my electromagnetic energy anyway.
I seem to remember some time ago that a member on this site was experimenting with some products on felines. Bonker can you humor us with some photos?
I usually cover myself completely in mud to lower my thermal body temperature. This really works, deer can sense heat you know? You don't even have to worry about the wind. I first saw it on a hunting show; maybe it was Jimmy Houston's episode behind high fences when he shot the "buck he was chasing for years". Or maybe it was that California Governor fella's movie Predator?

Regardless, if you don't have the correct type of mud on your land it may not work. Don't worry though, The BoneCollector team is selling their dirt in 50-lb sacks...just add water.
DoneRight said:
You know if the BoneCollector team is selling it its got to work! (Enter sarcasm here)

Those guys are the best marketers I've ever seen...they have their name on everything from chewing gum to key chains to toilet paper.
Those guys are the best marketers I've ever seen...they have their name on everything from chewing gum to key chains to toilet paper.

And to think I do not own a stitch of clothing or have had any chewing

gum with their name on it. I can't believe I can shot any deer year after

year. :rolleyes:
Actually, I might consider buying some Bonecollector toilet paper as the idea of using some of "the Brotherhood's" products to clean my backside is about the only way I would think about using any of their products.:D:D
Actually, I might consider buying some Bonecollector toilet paper as the idea of using some of "the Brotherhood's" products to clean my backside is about the only way I would think about using any of their products.:D:D

Couldn't agree more! :way::way::way:
Snorted my coffee with that!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

Me, too!

In reality, it works by blocking the deer's pineal gland from sensing you. Pineal glands are very prominent in several reptiles, to the point where you can see the spot on top of their head. In mammals they aren't prominent and somewhat vestigial, but the suit blocks your EMF thus preventing detection by the deer's pineal gland. :way:
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