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A buddies bucks


A friend of mine got these two bucks on camera last week and was wondering if anybody on here would be kind enough to give him a guess at score.

172" EXACTLY!!!!! OK, kidding on the exactly part BUT just like the Realtree videos, BEFORE they show the score we shout out the score and see who is the closest. I'd say that deer is probably 2&1/2 years old. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
Geez, that deer could be 8 or 9, who knows!?!?!?!
(I changed my guess from 168 to 172, sometimes I'm right on when I just look at them for 30 seconds and other times, OOPS)
he looks like he's been around the horn a time a two.....

id say 165 range!
they look a lot of like and I would say they are in the upper 160's for the first one and lower for the second one.
The second one is probably dead, that lil coon probably whooped his old a$$.

Two shooters based on aged, imo. I have a hard time judging wideracks like that first one...his right side (left looking at the picture) appears to be weak. At least two inches or more shy on each tine. Even so he'll probably make the 160's.

I know I'd be shooting.
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