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A conversation with a DNR officer


PMA Member
Yesterday I had a nice conversation with a DNR officer about the pending deer legislation which he admitted he didn't know much about. I told him it looked to me like the bill was gonna keep the NR anysex tags at 6000 for at least this year. (At least that's the way I read it). We talked about the different groups lobbying to have the NR cap lifted to "help control the deer herd". His reply to that was, "If a NR hunter comes here to hunt deer they are not coming for does". He expanded on that statement some too. He knows there are many NR with antlerless tags that party hunt and shoot bucks, which is legal. I thought it was good to hear what we discuss from a guy that's out there and see's what's going on all the time. We talked about my pet peave too. The special late season doe hunt. Too many bucks "with and without antlers" get shot during that season. It was set up with good intentions but it's at the wrong time of year IMO.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this with all here...........Moose
I would have to agree in both cases.I think that there are alot of NR hunters coming in and taking advantage of the situation.you hear all the time how NR hunters in other states getting nailed for takin bucks on doe tags.I don't know if this will end.I think that they should have check in stations for any deer takin and I wish that there were more CO's than there are to patrol during all seasons to check on tagged deer.I just hope that someone in the legislature wakes up.Just my two cents.
Just you guys wait if legislature passes an increase in NR tags the leasing of land will become a huge problem.If I were you guys I would fight this tooth and nail or you will end up like Kansas.Where money talks and us working stiffs have no place left to hunt but public ground with a guy in every other tree.
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