Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

A couple good ones...

Crimson Arrows

Well-Known Member
Just got married last week and have been out of the loop but did manage to pull a couple cards this weekend. Nice to see some great bucks on here and although the renter was never able to plant my farm this year due to rains-we have a couple hanging around :D







Hawks football and the opener right around the corner :way:
congrats on getting married, but moreso on those first two, I love that huge 8, he looks old to me, Gook luck on those.
Thanks AR. They definitely seem to become more elusive as October rolls around but knowing they are in the area makes getting up at 430 AM much easier ;)
Huntyak, I know what you mean, just seeing all these good bucks is getting me fired up, I was lucky enough to get a NR bow tag for Zone 4 and know there are some quality bucks on the farm I hunt. It has already made my year. Again, good luck on that brute and others like him.
Any bucks with more than 8 pts.? Ha, some good bucks there. Bummer about the lack of crops but it should make your early season hunting a little better than normal!
Great looking bucks, Eyad. Makes a guy anxious!! and congrats on tying the knot! :way:
Love the top buck!!!! Will you still be allowed to hunt now that you are married?

Just kidding, thanks for sharing the pics with us.
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