Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

A few goodn's


PMA Member
Received these to be posted from a friend....couple ones I'd be very happy with! :D








It looks like the deer are well fed on that farm! One of them has a rack that resembles a mule deer to me.

Some nice options there.
A couple that is prime for the taking now... He should be excited about the future, some really nice young bucks there:way:
Now theres a couple of nice looking bucks there and next years crop as well. Looks like you're gonna have a few good years worth of hunting that location. Good luck!

I got a trail cam pic sent to me of an absolute Nontypical giant that I would love to share but was asked not to post on the web or give its location out. This thing is incredible! Easily over 25 inches wide with what I can count in the pic, at least 24 pts with 3 of them droptines. The bases on him look to be in the 7-8 inch range. My guess on a score is well into, if not above the 250 inch mark. A buddy of my hunting partner has been seeing him all summer long and finally got a trail pic of him on his hunting property last week. If he harvests him I'll get him to post up the pics or let me.
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