Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

A good feeling........


The Hunt Never Ends....
Appreciate RESPECT. Had a friend call me tonight about a property that he knew I had hunted before. He had since met the landowner (through his work), and was thinking about asking him for permission. However, he wanted to know if it was ok with me first.

He didn't HAVE to ask me. He didn't have to see what my feelings were on the subject. BUT, he did so out of RESPECT. I told him to ask away. I feel good that our sport is not all about back stabbing and BIG deer. It's about relationships, respect, and morals. I hope he kills a giant. :way:
I agree. Too often we see the flip side where people don't show the respect and morals that most of us have. It is a good story to hear.
We have let 3 guys shotgun hunt our farm second season for the last 3 years. They are the only people that have honestly asked. They know what bucks are in the area. Down to earth guys. They pass a lot of 3-4 year old deer and take care of a few does for us. Honesty and being polite go along ways. It's just a matter of time before one of them kill one of our big shooter bucks. When that happens I'll buy the beer and help them drag it out. Deer come and go but true friendship is a lot harder to find than big bucks
I had another bow hunter shoot my top hitlist buck this year and he saw I had trailcam photos of him and he apologized and told me there were bigger ones walking around that he has seen. He talked to my dad and said he won't be shooting another big deer until I harvest one or until next season. I thought that took a lot of respect to do.
all too often i find myself keeping my lips sealed about my properties, and only tell a select few that i am very close to. Where im hunting, where i kill a buck, and where i have seen good deer i remain tight liped.. money talks and back stabbers stab... as i have experienced a handfull of times and it sucks...

take pride, as it seems that you have, that your friend respects you that much to ask first. thats very admirable!:way: make sure that he knows that you appriciate him being soo considerate.
Great OP! At least this friend was able to check in with you first. Shows he respects you, hunting, and the land owner. I unfortunately have been on the other side of the fence and have been burnt by a good friend. Took him out pheasant hunting on a location a couple Decembers back; we happened to kick up a solid 8pt-3-4 yrs old. Come to find out he later went back with his brother to deer hunt the same slough. Didn't bother to call me, just showed up at the renters farm with a bribe of whiskey. It's that type of action that ruined a 10 year friendship by him poaching my hunting spot priviledges. Some people just dont care and take...take...take. Not once did he EVER put me onto a hunting spot over those years. That in itself is part of the issue. Hunting is giving and taking......he seemed to lean more towards the taking end of the sport.
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