indian artifacts are scattered all over the united states. im only 22 but ive been hunting since i was 10 and i have over 100 full pieces. 2 axes. a large celt. a perfect clay marble. etc. most of your full pieces are found in creek beds. i hunt bean fields that have been disced also. but you wont find as many whole pieces in fields. theres also a place in hancock county illinois where the river is only a foot deep and when the river is calm you can walk out and see the bottom. ive picked up several pieces in that spot too. i dont sell any of my artifacts but i have had some appraised for over 1500 dollars. its a fun hobby and you get alot of exercise!!!
I don't consinder myself a big artifact hunter, but I have gotten lucky over the years while shed hunting. I've found several axe heads and a few celts along with quite a few arrowheads. This piece I found a few years ago while shed hunting with a buddy. I consider it my best personal find.
WOW. that is a beauty! it looks like it has creek stains. beveled sides from what i can see. awesome artifact!!!i do not have any arrowheads in my collection that long. im jealous. do you know how old it is?
i think that is the coolest picture ive ever seen. did u go out arrowhead hunting with a camera? i have a point just like that one. its a flint. im going to post one of my nice pieces on here tomorrow p.s. is that a geode right beside it?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sofakingfast_1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i think that is the coolest picture ive ever seen. did u go out arrowhead hunting with a camera? i have a point just like that one. its a flint. im going to post one of my nice pieces on here tomorrow p.s. is that a geode right beside it? </div></div> I think it's a mullberry. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Nice stuff, I always liked artifacts.
We have found hundreds of them over the years on our farm. I myself look when I am shedding or heading to a treestand or turkey hunting and occassionally come across them. It is really good after the fields get plowed, you can wonder around several areas of the farm and find flint galore. We never really had anything to display the various pieces in so last year my mom and wife made me, my brother and my dad each a shadow box containing all sorts of the artifacts. Here are a couple of pictures, pretty cool gift. By the way the box the artifacts are in is 14" x 14", so the different pieces range from asbout 7" to 1" long.
WOW. im jealous. i actually go out and hunt all day looking for artifacts. you just pick them up on your way to the deer stand!!! how do i post pictures on here??????
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