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A mad doe or an antlerless buck???


New Member
About mid morning on Sunday while on stand I heard crashing in the timber just over the ridge. (from a thicket where deer commonly bed during the day) I could see several deer coming through the brush, and the 1st deer I saw was a small buck. He was obviously running from something and he barely slowed down at the top of the ridge before charging down the wooded ravine past me and up the other side. I did not watch him too closely because I’ve seen him before and I could hear grunting coming from behind him so I got ready. As the next deer approached I expected to see a bigger buck, but what I saw was a huge doe(I think). Anyway this deer stopped at the top of the ridge and surveyed the area for a couple seconds apparently saw the little buck and took off right after him. (I heard the 1st deer take off again.) This second deer passed within about 10 yards of my stand and it was plainly going grunt, grunt, grunt just like I've heard bucks do many times, but no antlers. A few seconds later a doe and a yearling showed up at the same ridge but stopped and took a right and slowly went south, and a larger yearling (or small 1 ½ year old doe) came around the ridge from the north and stopped under my stand for 1-2 minutes (doing an occasional soft bleat), eventually she walked away to the east following in the direction of the 1st 2 deer. None of these deer were out of breath when they came by, so they had not been running very long.

What did I see? Was it .
1. A mad very large old doe chasing a young buck that was harassing her or her yearling(s). (grunting?)
2. A larger antlerless buck chasing a young buck out of his territory? (can an old buck be antlerless)
3. A group of deer that were chased off their beds by pheasant hunters. (location makes it unlikely)
4. A huge old doe that the young buck thought was too ugly for his taste? (just kidding)

Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? My guess was that it was a mad doe, but I’ve never seen a doe this large, or heard a doe grunt or seen one chase a buck(admittedly he was a small buck). I do remember many years ago I had a couple bow hunting friends try to convince me that they had seen a large antlerless buck, but until now I thought they were confused. (now I am not so sure?)
Not sure what you saw, but if it went within 10 yards of your stand you should have been able to tell if it was a buck or doe. Broken off antelers??? Hind hoc??? Never heard of a grunting doe, but you never know.
A couple of years back on opening weekend I was looking to fill a doe tag and saw what I thought to be the perfect candidate coming right in front of me. "She" was a large deer and had what looked to be a pair of fawns following her. I came to full draw, waited for her to clear a tree, and at 12 yards was just about to unleash the beast when she made three perfect tending grunts

Even though I'm still sure it was a doe, her perfect imitation of the tending buck grunt saved her life. I think you probably did see a doe. Go figure...

Thanks for the replys.

Deadeye, this deer went past quite quickly so by the time I figured out that the grunting was coming from her (and not behind her) I did not have much time to size her up to check for gonads. I can tell you that there were no broken antlers, unless they were broken off flush.

NWBUCK, My preferred theory is the same as yours that it was a doe and judging from her long snout I am sure she was quite old which explains the large size. I’ve just never heard a doe grunt before, or chase away a buck. (maybe I’ve just never seen one being aggressive?)

After 28 years of bow hunting this was a 1st for me, so I wanted to share it with this board and solicit others for their opinions and experiences. I have heard of an occasional antlered doe so I thought maybe there is a similar rare genetic condition that causes bucks to be antler less. I will recognize her if I see her again, so if I get the opportunity I will attempt to
her and I will re-update my post.

The first doe I saw this year I sware heard it grunt. I know it wasn't a doe bleat, a grunt! She had had twins with her, one was a button buck, so it might of been him..... i don't know. But I'm sure it was the doe.
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