Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

A Must Have!!!


Life Member
Have any of you guys seen the hot new trail cam tester?

This is a must have item for those of you that are really into taking trail cams to the next level.

Forget about picking up that trail cam to find out you forgot to charge the batteries, forgot to turn on the board,

forgot to face it at 45 degrees to the trail, forgot to change out that memory card,

faced your camera to the South in July

or placed it in front of corn stalks blowing in the wind.

Test that camera first to avoid all these careless mistakes.

Mine turned 11 years old yesterday, and has had improved performance each year.

Yes, they are quite expensive, but in the long run I think you will find it is money well spent!!!

Here is a couple of pictures of mine, get one at a "woman" near you.

Supplies are limited, and the wait could be 9 months, so place your order soon.


P.S. This is the 8 point model...the thumbs are the main beans.

I highly recommend the eight point model as the others don't have all the bugs worked out yet!

They are sure fun at that age. Used them for a lot of things but never for a camera tester!

Then they turn 14 and you would like to lock them in the garage for about 5 years. By the time they are in there early 20's you realize it was all worth it. I wouldn't trade my boys for all the money in the world.
Those pics aren't blurry, must not be from a Cuddeback!
Gabe, you should be charging the old man for blinding you with the flash!
Ghost, I put my order in for one of these about 10 months ago. I can't wait until the product is broke in so I can start using it. We just took the tester out of his wrapper 21 days ago. Here it is:
New trail cam, $250.00
Land lease on 100 acre's $2000.00
Having your kid standing in front of the camera acting like a deer, PRICELESS
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