Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

A Saskatchewan September Weekend


Active Member
I didn't have any plans for the last weekend of September so I decided that maybe I'd try my hand at fishing one last time before muzzleloader season opens. We went up to the cabin and it was beautiful, nice fall temperatures, beautiful fall colors, and super peaceful, we were the only people at the lake. And to top it off the fishing was great. I nearly crapped my pants when this old girl came out of the weeds and swatted my bucktail right beside the boat. If it looks like I'm straining to hold here, I am!
Hey Sask,

Crappin' yer pants is a nasty habit to get into at yer age...and so is showing pics like that to me when I can be there to slap Ya on the back and say "Way to go, you lucky S.O.B.!!!"
DAMN, am I envious!

That is one awesome fish, and here's hopin' you get to smash a big ol' BUCK-tail of your own next!!

(I've got a feeling there's more "HERO" pics comin' down real soon!)

Have Fun & Hunt Safe,

Nice pike, did you have to pull a figure 8 tactic before you brought the bucktail in the boat or did she just hammer it right at the end.
Thanks for the compliments guys, she was fun, measured just over 48", didn't wiegh her as I wanted to get her back as quickly as possible. She had alot of power. I actually think we could have gotten more like her, only pike fished for 3 hours, spent the rest of the weekend chasing trout, got some dandy rainbows and brookies too. If you like to fish, you gotta give Saskatchewan a try one day!
I think if I tied into something that big,
I might be going for a swim I bet a fish like that has quite a tug to go along with it. great job and congrats
how much do you charge for guiding fees, seriously.

even if i caught one half that size it'd be worth it.
Holy baitfish batman,
that is one nice catch. Way to go Sasky!!
wow, that's a sweet catch!, being able to catch that and trout in the same lake, that's a blessing we don't have here in iowa! great pic
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