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Acorns Dropping

The Silence

PMA Member
I was out looking around last night and noticed that acorns are already starting to drop. Is this earlier than normal and is it being caused by this lack of moisture? Do you know if it reaches a certain point if the oak trees can retain them into the fall?
Many of the trees in Iowa are going dormant because of the heat and lack of moisture. Dropping mast early is a defense mechanism that typically occurs during first year droughts. If the drought continues, next year mast won't even grow.

I have noticed the same thing and many of the trees I see dropping acorns are dropping tiny acorns...

I noticed the same thing this past weekend while putting out cams.. Lots of small ones all over the ground.. This bow season is shaping up to be pretty interesting. I bet the better patterns will be more around water than food..
I also noticed a doe feeding in thick green vegetation. I'm sure they're getting alot of their moisure needs met in as succulent of plants as they can find.
Many of the trees in Iowa are going dormant because of the heat and lack of moisture. Dropping mast early is a defense mechanism that typically occurs during first year droughts.
The apple and pear trees in the orchard are aborting fruit and the deer are HAMMERING it.

Amen! I picked a bad year to try to start oaks from acorns. :confused:
FWIW, I have seen all of things that others have mentioned too. Nuts dropping, leaves turning, fruit dropping, etc, and it is still only July.

I just hope I don't see locusts and grasshoppers next! :eek:
I picked a bad year to try to start oaks from acorns. :confused:
I planted an acorn in the farm yard where I figured I could take care of it.

Two weeks ago, I noticed it appeared to have hit the wall, so I watered and fertilized it.

Last week it put on two sets of three leaves, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Looked at it tonight and the Japanese beetles had eaten the new leaves off. Hit them with some bug dust. :thrwrck:
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