Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Actual breeding going on


PMA Member
Just got a call on one of our club members' son's taking a nice buck last night. The real news was that they watched the buck actually breed a doe before shooting him. Good note to check out on I suppose. Up here in NE Iowa. That will be an early fawn!!
Do a search on here and use "bucks chasing already" and see how many consecutive years comes up around Oct. 1 people saying bucks are chasing already.

Yes, a few doe's come in early every year. The rut is just a definition of when the majority of doe's come into heat, which will happen in the month of November every year, no matter what. But yes, there will be doe's bred in October all the way through the end of January.

But also young bucks will attempt to chase doe's the minute they are hard horn.
Got a few of them chasing and having fun :)




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