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Adder Points behind 4-blade Muzzys


Well-Known Member
I didn't really feel like going out and buying some new turkey heads (prly would have been easier) so I bought a pack of adder points and put them behind my 4-blade muzzys.

For anyone that has used this setup before: It probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference but I'm wondering about flight. Do you put the two adder prongs in line with muzzy blade or inbetween two muzzy blades. Also is it wise to shoot these through mesh windows or is it going to be disasterous.
This is only my second yr with a bow and I've heard horror stories of muzzys zippin right through the bird and the bird can still fly quit a distance.
Here's a few pics. First is with adder lined up with blades and second is inbetween blades. I would really like to practice with these heads on but I'm reluctant to shoot them into my block. Might have to go find a hay bail... Thanks and good luck with the gobblers...


There is no need for the mesh when hunting turkeys. They are oblivious to blinds.

I have never used anything but expandables on turkeys so I can't speak on the muzzy's.
I've used that combo, it will kill birds either way you have the adder points lined up. Like Limb said, no need for mesh on turkeys.
Thanks guys I appreciate it. Now I just need a double bull... That's a sweet avatar mud.
I always thought the shoot through mesh was needed for turkey hunting? With turkey's keen eyesight I would think you would want every advantage?
Turkeys will walk right up to those blinds so long as you don't have windows open on opposite sides and "skyline" yourself inside the blind. Black backing, black clothing, you're good to go. A few years ago I had a hen stick her head inside a window to get a multiflower rose blossum that was hanging in the window. Netting is needed for whitetails.
A friend of ours shot a turk right on the wing but with those adders behind the muzzys. put a huge hole in him and he flew a hundred yards and died. Well he missed the wing enough not to break it. I think its more important where you hit. Look at limbs and muddys shot placement post. It changed my thoughts on where to aim.
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