That's one of those bucks you hope doesn't walk by your stand this fall. Definitely a young deer, three would be my guess. Only way he'll be a booner is if he makes it another year....he definitely has the frame. Have you shot a deer that big before? If you have, then I would pass him and hope he makes it another year.
Personally I would pass him on the ground I hunt because it doesn't get a lot of pressure. I have pics of a similar 10 pt that is three and I'm planning on giving him a pass.
Prodigy would be an extremely tough deer to pass, especially if he's 3. The best plan to be able to pass him would be to have other bigger guys on your property, easier said than done.
Fatboy is a tank! Id say hes probably 4.5 or 5.5 and Prodigy is 3.5. I would tell myself not to shoot Prodigy but if he walked by me with the bow it would be awfully hard, but I still probably would. Im going to guess hes a 3.5 140-150 inch deer. Most of the time with those kind of genes they grow into giants as you well know sureshot.
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