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Ageing Your Deer

That video was correct about aging being difficult. The jaws I sent in last yr to the biologist made him suspect my buck wasn't all that old. Not too much wear he said. Upon crosectioning the the front teeth, the report said a definate 5 yr old buck. Must have had a soft diet.
When I want to age a deer I'll spend a few dollars and send a tooth into a lab for cross-sectioning. This takes all the guess work out of it. Anyone who says they can read teeth is full of it...accurate within 3 yrs at best. Once a deer is mature they have no accuracy in thier guesses. Exceptions are young and very old. Anything in between is basically a guess.
Somewhere I read that the eruption technique is quite inaccurate and that doing a cross section of the incisor root has shown something like 85% accuracy. Is this about right? I plan on sending in the incisors of my buck and buddies buck to be aged
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