I've hunted Sitka Blacktails and black bears on POWI and caribou near Iliamna. Got a carabou but only brought home about 300 stiches from POWI.
I'm currntly in China and missed a good portion of the hunting season the only things that keeping me going is that I know I'll have enough frequent flier miles to go back to Alaska.
went last oct. shot 2 caribou just west of iliamna. was a blast. hope to go back for a moose/caribou combo if i can find something where teh price is right
Been up there 4 times but only for the fishing, maybe one of these times for a hunt. There is some good airfare prices right now for July if you want to be there for the Red Salmon run or August for the Silvers and don't forget to catch a few Halibut.
In 1998 i had a dream of hunting grizzlys and knew the only way i could do it was through a guide at that point in life I was 18 and didnt have a pot to piss in of my own i was just graduating from high school. i had thoughts of going to collage and decided that was not the road for me cause you don't get any time to hunt and usally laoded with all kinds of homework. at that point i started in on a trade school/appreniship as a machinist at the metal working institute of western NY I did all the differnt course during a year and half span and graduatied, surprisinly with excellent grades. Any way I worked as a die sinker/mill operator not once making over 9 bucks and very littleover time . I booked a hunt with a guide in 2000 and conntinued to save almost everything i made. The hunt cost was 9,999 dollers going into it my main goal was a grizzly and then a moose and what ever else presented an ethical shot . These hunts include a lot of hidden cost such as fly in cost 750, 5000 for for each animal as a throphy fee tips i gave a tousand for each animal cause its in your guides hand and i didnt think i would ever do this again. My hunt began on sept. 4 and i had three animals in three days bull moose, grizzly and then a wolf. I spent the rest of the hunt skipping rocks and one of those days i was washing my hands before dinner and was sqauting down and outta the corner of my eye was a 6-7 foot grizz staring at me 30 feet away i could hear his angered breathing as my life was passing by a million miles a second i couldent do anything no gun and the guide was busy cooking in the tent i just stayed thier motionless and after 15-20 long seconds of staredown the young boar was gone in a flash. just absolutly took my breath away as my life could have been in his paws/mouth in seconds. One bad morning I woke up to a nightmare it was 9-11 allI could do was listen to the satillite radio and just think it was a nightmare, any way i could not leave the bush on my fly out date cause of the US had all planes down and I was stuck my moose meat rotted and i was ready to go, not that i didnt love the experiance but the frustraoion, I have the pics of all my animals harvested on the big game photo gallery. The overall hunt costed me right around 25,000, I also traveled the whole state with my parents for 15 days before the hunt. i went back to NY for 2 years and look where i'm at now GOD I LOVE THIS PLACE. LIVE THE DREAM IF YOUNG AND SINGLE OR OLD IT DONT MATTER. I have nothing holding me back and cant wait to become a resident Augest 15 Oh yeah taxidermy will cost you about a leg to if ya get full mounts on everything like i did except the moose, just a shoulder mount.Cold day in hell i pay another guide.
i'm in the begining stages of planning an Alaskan or Canadian caribou hunt for sometime in 2007 or 2008. one of my goals is to harvest a grizz with my bow but the prices for some of these hunts is frickin outrageous in Alaska when a guy can do it for half in Canada. i'm guessing most of the inflation is for guide prices and such. oh well, i'll figure out a way i'm sure!
At $1000 for a tip I think I have found my new calling in life......I would love to just go on a black bear hunt with my bow before worrying about the grizz.Can't you hunt blackies for a fairly reasonable price???
I went on a black bear hunt in Canada and it was about 1200.00 included everything. 14 out of fifteen harvested bears. Mine was w/bow. most all others was w/rifle. I don't recommend rifle, too many did not find there bear and had to shoot another one. My matthews did the job just fine.
I would also like to take a grizz.
Muddy, tips are up there I could of handed him 500 or so but thats what i thought he deserved he did not get 1000 for the wolf but 350 as i did everything. also these are on video. i was told by references 100 is like a slap in the face when i asked while doing research
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