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Alaskan.....give your insight


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Alaskan I'm not sure who voted for nor does it matter but I just got done reading an article in the paper. Bush is already making plans to move into Alaska and start drilling in a very fragile Wildlife Refuge. I guess more money for him and his pals mean more than the beauty of our mother earth. I'm sure it'll be a hot topic up there in the future if not already, I just thought I'd mention it to show that his agenda has a whole lot more to it than the "war on terrorism"
More money for him? Because he, like all of us, won't have to pay so much for Gasoline?

The Arctic National Wildlfie Refuge has loads of oil, and this topic has been hotly debated for 20 years. President Clinton took a wild swipe at this issue and made it darn near impossible to go get the oil in a last few days of his term along with pardoning a bunch of his criminal cronies. Bush has been proposoing that we harvest some of the oil from a small part of the refuge.

Time to go get the ANWR oil so we are not as blackmailed by the arabs.

It is only a matter of time before we go get it. When we see $2.50 - $3,00 a gallon for gas, the environemntal extremeists will have no choice but to relent to the pressure.

Canada is a very liberal country. I would not believe everything you hear/read about the USA in the Canadian press.

Pres. Bush had said during his first term he thought that part of Alaska should be open to drilling to reduce dependency on "foreign" oil.

I personally think that ethanol is a better alternative, lots of corn around here. Bio-Diesel is another option that should be looked into more.

Pres. Bush was a much better option than Kerry was.

FACT: In 2003, based on the votes and co-sponsorship of legislation, Senator Kerry voted the preferred position of the Fund for Animals 100% of the time.
•The Fund for Animals is a radical anti-hunting group. According to their Fact Sheet “What's Wrong With Hunting†they say that, “Hunters, however, disrupt this natural system, removing the strongest and healthiest animals from the population and leaving animals who would normally not have reproductive success to pass on their genes. “

FACT: In 2003, based on the votes and co-sponsorship of legislation, Senator Kerry voted the preferred position of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) 100% of the time.
•The HSUS web site states, “The HSUS strongly opposes the recreational hunting and killing of wild animals, as the sport is fundamentally at odds with the values of a humane, just, and caring society.â€

FACT: In 2003, based on the votes and co-sponsorship of legislation, Senator Kerry voted the preferred position of the American Humane Association 100% of the time.
•The American Humane Association opposes the hunting of any living creature for fun, trophy, or for simple sport. American Humane believes that sport hunting is a form of exploitation of animals for the entertainment of the hunter and is contrary to the values of compassion and respect for all life that inform American Humane's mission.

FACT: In 2003, based on the votes and co-sponsorship of legislation, Senator Kerry voted the preferred position of the Animal Protection Institute 100% of the time.
•The Animal Protection Institutes states that “…since hunting involves deliberate death, no mutual consent, and no outside judges, hunting can never be considered a ‘sport.’â€

FACT: In 2003, based on the votes and co-sponsorship of legislation, Senator Kerry voted the preferred position of the Society for Animal Protective Legislation 100% of the time.
•The Society for Animal Protective Legislation – a division of the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), lobbied against allowing dove hunting in Michigan, and in favor of anti-bear hunting legislation.

FACT: Kerry co-sponsors a bill that would ban all semi-automatic shotguns and detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles, a gigantic step toward bringing Australian-style gun control to the U.S.

FACT: Kerry says, "I think you ought to tax all ammunition, personally, I think you ought to tax guns."

FACT: Kerry has voted nine times in favor of banning semi-auto firearms.

FACT: Kerry has voted for a Ted Kennedy amendment to ban most center-fire rifle ammunition, including the most common rounds used by hunters and target shooters.

FACT: Kerry has voted to close off hundreds of thousands of acres of the California Mojave Desert to hunting.

FACT:Kerry has voted to hold the highly regulated American firearms industry legally responsible for the illegal acts of violent criminals.

FACT: Kerry was one of only 18 Senators to oppose the Firearms Owners` Protection Act, which ended alarming abuses being committed under the 1968 Gun Control Act.

FACT:Kerry was one of only 29 Senators to vote to prohibit gun manufacturers from discharging debts created by the reckless lawsuits filed by municipalities.

FACT:Kerry has voted to allow BATF to conduct unlimited warrantless inspections of FFL holders.

FACT: Kerry has voted to criminalize legal sales between private individuals at gun shows.

FACT: Kerry has voted to impose penalties of a year in prison and a $10,000 fine on an adult if a juvenile steals a firearm from him, and then merely displays it in a public place.

FACT: Kerry has voted to force many small firearms dealers out of business, which would have impacted both the availability and price of guns, particularly in rural areas.

FACT: Kerry has voted 11 times to force law-abiding citizens to wait to exercise their Second Amendment rights. He voted to keep the federal waiting period after the National Instant Check System was in place.

FACT: Kerry voted twice to eliminate the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

FACT: Kerry wants to silence gun owners` voices. When NRA sought the same exemption from campaign finance rules that news organizations have, Kerry called that effort "hijacking America`s airwaves."

FACT: Kerry commended the Million Mom March for their march on Washington that included calls for gun owner licensing, gun registration and other restrictions on law-abiding gun owners.
i'm trying to figure out why everyone says the war in Irag is for the oil. We get less than 6% of the oil we as a nation use from there. I assume everyone complaining that it's a war for oil has parked their trucks, suv's and car to ride their horse's to work. yeah fat chance as a fat nation of that ever happening!
who gives a crap if its for oil? if it is then great. lets start pumping it straight into tankers and into the nearest quiktrip!
I agree with Teeroy. I remember back in elemetary school, A LONG TIME AGO, whe we were studying the purpose of the Alaskan Pipeline. It's purpose was NOT to export the product, but to use to keep gasoline prices economical in the United States. But, as most of us know, this oil is being shipped overseas! Why should we pay $50-60/barrel for oil when we have it right in our own back yard?
alaska can't supply the us with enough oil. oil from alaska should stock pile our reserves, and iraq should be supplying our gastanks. get gas back to a buck a gallon
I do agree Teeroy, but theres more than meeyts the eye. the US gets very lttle from the pipeline up here, we get most of it elsewhere. The gas will be down once again in the future. Our fathers are thinking a quarter a gallon, we can only dream....
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