These were taken with a M60, which has a flash. It sometimes can't figure out if it's dark enough for a flash or not and a bunch of pictures are whited out.
I use it on security mode with no flash and it takes great just can't see some of the night photo's.
I've got a I40 in the same foodplot which picks up a bunch of the deer after dark.
I'd have to agree and say 3 1/2.......definitely has the "racehorse" look to me. I think the bottom buck is a 4 year old. JMO.......great photo's either way. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
These things are always a crapshoot but I'm going to agree with the original assessment of 2 1/2 yrs on the first buck. I can't tell off the body, they both have a similar build IMO that indicate prime years. I'm just noticing that for being a 10 pt frame, the width and height are both lacking in relation to the body leading me to believe he may be a young stud with several years left for major growth. I'm guessing 3 1/2 on the bottom deer. Then again, I guess lottery numbers too and haven't been right yet. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Nice photos! Put one of them on the ground this fall and have the teeth aged. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
We appreciate your sharing with us. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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he looks older in the first picture but id say hes 2 1/2 and the other 3 1/2. Thats funny you say that about the m60s i have 3 one i hade to return because it wouldnt go past the first stage and onr works great and the other where i really wanted this weeks pics a 160 were bright white out of 170 pissed me off.
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